Why publish in International Medical Publisher Journals?


These are the top 10 reasons why you should decide to publish your next article with us:

1. We offer the widest variety of publishing models for publishing your articles; that means that you decide whether publishing open access,  under subscription or self-published model. 

2. Widest possible global dissemination of your research: with us, your work is more visible and impact is guaranteed. We spread your article through Scribd, Twitter, Facebook, Medicalia.org and other social media besides traditional repositories and indexes. Average papers receives thousands of views and hundreds of downloads within weeks. 

3. We have the most inexpensive Article Processing Charges (APCs). Our current APCs are by far the lowest of all biomedical publishers. The self-published model is free of charges.

4. We offer an easy to submit and review process based on the software Open Journals System: a professional, interactive system for publishing your work. Convenient online manuscript submission - widely praised by authors for ease of use.

5. High quality guaranteed from peer-review to post-acceptance services. International Medical Publisher strives to provide the highest quality features for your paper. Our expert international editorial boards editors rank in the top 25% of the world’s impact scientists. The real-time review and unlimited iterations with reviewers ensures top standards for every paper. High quality copy-editing and type-setting guarantees you the best production process The .pdf versions of your articles are published under a format designed to make your articles look their very best in beautiful and highly readable PDF design.

6. Fast publishing guaranteed. Fast, rigorous, helpful peer review (median first decision 12 days).

7. Rapid publication upon acceptance: Immediate publication on acceptance. Your work is published as soon as it is ready.  International Medical Publisher publishes online so there are no delays to meet page minimums or to coincide with issue dates. Accepted papers are published on-line within 1 week.

8. Gold open access: when you publish your article in open access model you retain ownership and copyright. Research which is freely available for redistribution - all articles published open access are Creative Commons licensed. Others who choose to use your work must attribute you, not the journal. Compliance with open access  mandates, including the NIH Public Access Policy and the Wellcome Trust Open  Access Policy. Recent literature shows that articles published in open access journals are more highly cited than those in non-open access journals. In addition papers published by International Medical Publisher are widely cited in the media and distributed through social media as Facebook and Twitter so thousands of readers are ensured. 

9. The latest technical developments: you can insert online videos and virtual slides in the pdf of your articles. For videos we implement  QR codes for letting users reading a printed copy of the article viewing online videos on SmartPhones or Tablets. When they scan the code they are redirected to the url with the video. When reading online they just click the link to go to the video. For virtual slides we use links to an ad-hoc system.

10. Networking: you are part of an active and open minded community of scientists preserving the integrity, opening the discourse, and sharing the benefits of medical science more equitably, including:

  • Unbiased, quality-oriented, and transparent reviews (reviewers are disclosed on accepted articles)
  • Unmatched efficiency, with an average of 3 months from submission to publication
  • Reviewers focus on certifying accuracy of articles, not evaluating significance
  • Significance democratically judged by the reading activity of the community through advanced analytics
  • Truly impartial recognition of the best papers
  • Feedback on the impact of every article
  • Instantaneous online publication and an average of 7 days from acceptance until final pdf
  • Being part of a community journal initiative by researchers for researchers

Our Service Promise 

  • Prompt Processing: 3-4 Weeks  to First Editorial Decision
  • Fair & Independent Expert Peer Review
  • High Visibility & Extensive Database Coverage

Getting your manuscript prepared



Submissions should be done using the online submission system found at the journals's site.


When you altered your paper in light of the peer reviewers’ comments and you have written a covering letter to the editor explaining the changes you made or refuting the reviewers’ comments, you are ready to resubmit. This is done electronically via the International Medical Publisher website. You will receive instructions on this with your decision email.  Try to resubmit as soon as you can. Generally, this makes it easier to do as the paper is still fresh in your mind. The scientific world moves very quickly so you want your work published before someone else produces similar work.  Once you have resubmitted you will see the status of the paper change. If you don’t see this or don’t get acknowledgment of your resubmission, check with the Editorial staff that they have received it.

Choose your publishing model 


Once your article has been accepted you can be requested to choose the publishing model you wish for your article:

Traditional under subscription model

Once a manuscript is accepted it is processed for formatting and layout by our design team and then published online, indexed and archived. The abstract of the article, along with metadata such as title, authors, keywords and citation details are provided for free to any reader. However the access to the full text is restricted to subscribers. The copyright remains owned by International Medical Publisher.

There are no hidden costs in International Medical Publisher. International Medical Publisher strives to ensure that publishing fees are not an obstacle to publication. Article publishing fees help us to offset the costs associated with editing, formatting & layout, type-setting, storing, tier-climbing, archiving and peer evaluation of the article, as well as maintaining the most advanced website in online publishing, and our friendly, professional office.  There is no additional charge for color figures or for supplementary material. Please refer to the Article Processing Charges page for complete information on International Medical Publisher fees.


Open Access model

Once a manuscript is accepted it is processed for formatting and layout by our design team and then published online with open access to everyone. Open Access provides free, unrestricted online access to the scholarly literature to anyone in the world. At International Medical Publisher, we are convinced that everyone – not only scientists - can benefit from research results, and we publish all our articles exclusively under open access distribution, with a Creative Commons attribution license agreement. The copyright is transferred to authors and readers have the right to use, distribute, and reproduce in any medium, provided the source is properly cited. If you would like to learn more about open access, we encourage you to watch the video below, or read our blog Publish Open Access.

After Acceptance

Important remarks

Once the Editor has received your revised paper, they will decide if the changes are acceptable. Occasionally they will send it back to one of the reviewers to see if they are happy with the changes. Once the Editor is satisfied, you will be notified that the paper has been accepted and will be prepared for publication. Kindly read your manuscript before it is sent to layout. We always try to publish an error free papers in International Medical Publisher Journals, so it is mandatory for Authors to proof read their papers meticulously, before they are copyedited.

International Medical Publisher is an hybrid publisher; we publish both under subscription (free for authors) and open access (with charges) models. Once your manuscript has been accepted by the Editor-In-Chief you will be contacted from our editorial office for enquiring the model you choose for your paper. You will also get instructions to pay the charges.  


Implementing changes after acceptance

Depending on production schedules you will receive a typeset galley proof of your paper within a few days of acceptance. The proof stage is NOT a time to alter data, conclusions, or add an author. These late, significant modifications will not be accepted. Even minor changes in contents should be avoided when possible as modifying pdf files implies overruns, and authors will be charged 60€ for doing these tasks.  Therefore editors and authors must ensure that the manuscript submitted for pdf production is in its final version and no changes on contents are neededWe recommend authors double-checking the final manuscript before starting the typesetting/layout works, including possible spelling typos and the article metadata such as title, authors, affiliation or contact detail.

When you receive the proofs It is EXTREMELY important that you check these carefully as this will be your last chance to correct any errors produced during the layout works prior to publication. Once you are happy with it, this is the form it will remain in for posterity. Please, check the paper carefully; look for errors of layout, references, and figures. Once you are happy with it, this is the form it will remain in for posterity. Only when we have received your approved proofs will they be published on the website of the journal and indexed. Changes after publication will not be allowed.

Promotion of your article

After publication, it is time to spread your publication. International Medical Publisher will let readers know it has been published by emailing all those who receive new paper updates. We will send you some tips for spreading your publication. 

Publishing open access is a really good way of making your article available and searchable for all readers. However you might be interested in getting your work even more read and cited. Then, we can arrange a special promotion of your work, spreading it in social networks, forward the article to researchers in the field and highlighting it in blogs and websites. 


Getting your article indexed in PubMed Central

You can have your article indexed in PubMed Central following instructions described as "Method C".