Article processing charges (APC)

Why does International Medical Publisher have article-processing charges (APC)?

Publishing is not without costs. International Medical Publisher Journals defrays those costs from article-processing charges (APCs), because it does not have subscription charges for its research content, believing instead that immediate, world-wide, barrier-free, to the full text of research articles is in the best interests of the scientific community. Like most other serious publishers, International Medical Publisher maintains our high quality of service through an ‘author-pay’ model. As such, manuscripts that are accepted for publication following peer review incur a publishing fee. However, our APC are low because we do not seek profit, just cover expenses.


Current APC

The International Arabic Journal of Antimicrobial Agents


Acta Reumatológica


APCs are funded by sponsorship.

Contact the Editor-in-Chief for further details. 


  Regular Fees 
Fees for authors from developing countries**
Open access model 300€ 150€
Subscription model  100€ 50€ 

* Recurring authors and reviewers enjoy a discount of 20% off

*List of Developing Countries


There are no hidden costs in International Medical Publisher. International Medical Publisher strives to ensure that publishing fees are not an obstacle to publication. Article publishing fees help us to offset the costs associated with editing, formatting & layout, type-setting, storing, tier-climbing, archiving and peer evaluation of the article, as well as maintaining the most advanced website in online publishing, and our friendly, professional office.  There is no additional charge for color figures or for supplementary material.

Can I avoid paying article-processing charges (APCs)?

No, all authors who publish under open access or subscription models have to pay the charges for publishing their articles.


What do the article-processing charges pay for?

  • immediate world-wide barrier-free open access to the full text
  • developing and maintaining electronic tools for peer review and publication
  • preparation in various formats for online publication
  • securing full text inclusion in a number of permanent archives
  • securing inclusion in CrossRef (enabling electronic citation in other journals that are available electronically)
  • translating works (when needed)

We were born open and electronic, without legacy costs such as managing subscriptions and print distribution. Our platform makes use of open source software wherever possible, and all of our production work is done offshore by a highly skilled but cost-effective team. We can therefore maintain reduced APC that are around 10% of many of our competitors. This provides a lower-cost alternative for authors, funders and universities, and means that library and research budgets can go further. Our fees are fully transparent - you can trust us that every penny goes towards providing a high quality, sustainable publishing service, and not towards sky high publisher profits.


How much is International Medical Publisher Journals charging for publishing?

We offer the lowest APCs of all biomedical publishers. Charges vary depending on the publishing model authors chosen by authors. We recommend publishing open access because since this model has outstanding benefits.

Authors can benefit from our Author loyalty discount program. Publish your first paper in any International Medical Publisher journal and every further paper you submit in the following 12 months will receive:

  • 20% discount on the standard article processing fee
  • Priority editorial processing
  • Priority author PDF production 

Whenever you publish an article in International Medical Publisher journals you will receive a discount coupon (numeric code) from our editorial office. Just paste this code in the field "comments" when submitting your new manuscript and once accepted your discount and other privileges will be applied immediately.


Does International Medical Publisher Journals offer discounts on Article-Processing Charges?

International Medical Publisher Journals offers various discounts on APCs, which are outlined below. The discounts are exclusive of each other and cannot be accumulated.Please note that if the submitting author's organization is a International Medical Publisher Journals member, the cost of the article processing charge is covered by the membership, and no further charge is payable. Please check if your institution is a International Medical Publisher Journals member.


How do International Medical Publisher Journals's charges compare with other publishers?

International Medical Publisher Journals' standard APC is 300€ for publishing open access and 100€ for publishing under subscription—. International Medical Publisher Journals's article processing charges are extremely competitive since these are the lowest of all biomedical publishers. A study performed in 2012 found that the range of prices charged and the relationship between charges, impact and number of articles being published. The average APC was found to be US$906 but there is a huge range from a few dollars to several thousand. If you wish to publish several articles open access with us, check our affordable plans for multiple articles in next tab.


To which articles will this charge apply?

To all articles that have been accepted for publication in one of International Medical Publisher's online journals with the exception of articles submitted for publication in supplements. Publication charges for articles in supplements are set by special arrangement with the organisers of the supplement. For further information please contact us.


Why a flat charge rather than one based on page numbers?

The size of an article is a poor indicator of the actual amount of work involved in obtaining peer reviews and in preparing the article for publication. A more useful discriminator might be the state an article is in when submitted, and its complexity, but the lack of objective tools to measure these has lead us to conclude that a flat fee is the fairest approach at this stage.


Who is responsible for making the payment?

Whoever submits the manuscript is responsible for making or arranging the payment (for instance, via his or her institution). The submitting author must confirm, at the time of submission, that they will organize payment should the article be accepted for publication.


Which funding agencies explicitly allow direct use of their grants to cover article-processing charges?

Many funding agencies allow the use of grants for this purpose, and an increasing number such as the Wellcome Trust, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the US National Institutes for Health strongly encourage Open Access publication. The following is a list of funding agencies we know of that have confirmed that they allow the payment of article processing charges: Academy of Finland (Finland),  BIOTEC (Thailand),  California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (US),  Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Canada),  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (Spain), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy), Danmarks Grundforskningsfond (Denmark), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany), FAPESP (Brazil), Fondazione Telethon (Italy), Fonds zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Austria) ,Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Belgium), Health Research Board (Ireland), Howard Hughes Medical Institute (US,) Indian Council of Medical Research (India), INSERM(France), International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (International), Israel Science Foundation (Israel), Max Planck Society (Germany), Medical Research Council (UK), National Health Service (UK), National Institutes of Health (US), National Science Foundation (US), Natural Environment Research Council (UK), Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Netherlands), Rockefeller Foundation(US), South African Medical Research Council (South Africa), Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (Sweden), Swedish Research Council (Sweden,) Swiss National Science Foundation (Switzerland) and Wellcome Trust (UK).


How do I pay?

You will need to arrange payment of the APC unless your institution has covered the cost through a membership scheme. Following peer review, once a manuscript has received editorial acceptance in principle, the article processing charge becomes payable, and formatting checks on the manuscript will commence. Once formatting checks are completed, and payment of the article processing charge has been received, the article will be published. Prompt payment is advised, as the article will not be published until payment is received. Payment can be made with PayPal, Bitcoins, Credit card, (via Stripe) or bank transfer here. PayPal is our preferred method.


Will I have to pay if me or my institution is a International Medical Publisher Journals member?

If the submitting author's organization or the author him/herself is a International Medical Publisher Journals member, the cost of the article processing charge is covered by the membership, and no further charge is payable.


Do changes to APC rates, exchange rates and/or institutional membership status affect the amount payable for a submitted article, if it goes on to be published?

No. The APC payable for your article is determined at the time you agree to pay, as part of the submission process. This means:

  • If the APC goes up between submission and publication, you still pay the lower APC.
  • If the exchange rates change between submission and publication, you still pay the amount in your applicable currency that you agreed to pay when you submitted.
  • If your institution ceases to be a member between submission and publication of your article, you still get the benefit of the membership.
  • Conversely, if your institution becomes a member after you submit an article, that article will not in general be covered by the membership. You are advised to make your payment as soon as possible, since the article will not be published until the relevant payment has been made. Payment by bank transfer carries an administrative charge of 30€. In all cases a receipt will be sent by email once payment has been made.

Will the amount paid for an article to be published be affected by changes in the rates of APC, exchange rates, and/or changes in the status of institutional Partners?

No. The APC to be paid for your article is fixed at the point at which payment is promised as part of the submission process. This means that:

  • If APC goes up between submission and publication you pay the lesser amount of APC.
  • If exchange rates change between submission and publication you pay the amount equivalent to the exchange rate at the time of submission of the article.
  • If your institution ceases to be a member between submission and publication of your article you will go on receiving the benefits of membership. On the other hand, if your institution becomes a member after submission of the article, in general the article will not be covered by affiliation.

Refunding payments policy

  • Articles can not be unpublished once they have been published.
  • Manuscripts can be withdrawn before acceptance without incurring in any charge.
  • Manuscripts accepted can be withdrawn before they are published. APC can be refunded if they have been paid, but authors would incurre in a minimum non-refundable charge of 100€ corresponding to the costs of producing the pdf proofs and processing the payment by third parties.